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Everything You Wanted To Know About Squirrels



Two species of squirrel found in Maine are the Red Squirrel and the Eastern Gray Squirrel. Eastern grey squirrels commonly occur in two color phases, grey and black, which leads people to think (mistakenly) that there are two different species. The most notable physical feature of the eastern grey squirrel is its large bushy tail. The tail has many important functions. It acts as a rudder when the animal jumps from high places, as a warm covering during the winter, as a signal to other eastern grey squirrels indicating an individual’s mood. The following are some more squirrel facts for Maine homeowners:



Urban: Although the grey squirrel is found in parks and woodland areas, they adapt quite easily to urban environments, taking up residence in and around buildings. They become very accustomed to utilizing attics and chimneys for nesting sites.



Twice per year: Female squirrels can mate only twice a year, but males can mate at any time. Often, several males will attempt to mate with the same female. They try to attract her attention by slapping the bark of trees with their paws and chattering loudly. After the mating the males play no part in the rearing of the young. Birth occurs six weeks after mating.


When Do Squirrels Have Babies?

Squirrels have two breeding periods per year, one in mid-summer and another in early spring. In Maine, young are usually born between March and April, with a second litter arriving around July or August.


Litter Size

Female squirrels produce litters between 1 and 7 offspring (typically 5 or 6).



The naked, blind and deaf young are fed every two to four hours for several weeks. At seven - eight weeks, they start to follow their mother around within the den site. The young squirrels gradually begin to eat solid food and are weaned at ten - eleven weeks of age. A month later, they start to leave the den. If there are not too many squirrels in the area, the young will build nests nearby. Otherwise, they will be chased away to less crowded feeding areas. Typically some of the squirrels will remain actively using the birthing den.


Sexual Maturity

Squirrels are sexually mature and able to reproduce at 11 months.


Food and Feeding

Frequency: The Grey Squirrel feeds every day, even in the winter. It does not hibernate and is unable to conserve enough energy to survive for long periods without food.


Time of day

It is most active at dawn and dusk, when it searches for whatever fruits, shoots, and seeds that are in season. Small thumbs on it's front paws allow it to hold food securely as it feeds.



The squirrel's diet varies according to season. It eats mainly tree bark and fungi in the winter and buds in the summer. In September it eats nuts and acorns. A hungry grey squirrel will also raid a bird's nest for eggs, steal food from bird feeders and dig up plants. In urban environments the grey squirrels also come across free handouts from people (namely peanuts in the shell). The squirrel buries extra food just below the soils surface, which it later locates by smell.


Morphology and Lifestyle

  • Body length: 9-12 in

  • Tail length: 7-10 in

  • Weight: 12-28 oz

  • Habitat: Above ground (attics and chimneys), but spends much of it's time on the ground

  • Call: Chattering and piercing scream

  • Lifespan: 3-4 years


Did You Know?

  • The squirrel's front teeth continue to grow throughout it's life, so they must continue to gnaw to wear them down.

  • A male squirrel can smell a female that is ready to mate.

  • The grey squirrel can leap more than 20 feet.

  • Although usually frightened of people, a mother squirrel can be quite aggressive if she perceives danger or is separated from her babies. Squirrels are very swift and can move or attack quickly if threatened.

  • There can be 25 or more squirrels per square kilometre in urban areas with mature trees.

  • Squirrels are more adaptable than you might think. They can fit through a hole the size of a baseball (black/grey squirrels) or a golf ball (red squirrels). And smaller holes can easily be chewed open.

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